My Driving Journey - Lesson 3 & 4

Saturday 6th July
Oh wasn't the weather nice & hot on Saturday!
I would like to massively thank whoever created air-conditioning.
Literally all of Saturday's lesson I was driving. Obviously I'm not driving from my house yet or back to it. It's only my third lesson, we can't run before we can walk. Always remember that guys, with whatever you are doing. Everything takes time to learn & master it. So my instructor drives me to our location for the lesson & then drives me back home once we have done. We went to the next village & I thought it would be fairly busy with it being a Saturday morning but it wasn't so all was good. We focused on turning left into side roads & at junctions. We also went on a few straight stretches of roads so I could practice going up into 2nd gear & then going back down into first ready to go round the corner. I was really pleased with how I got on. 
Tuesday 9th July
My lesson on Tuesday was an evening one, at half past seven. I'm trying to vary my lesson times so I can experience different traffic conditions. Luckily the temperature had dropped a bit by this point, but we still had the good old trusty air-con. We went back to the same village again, introducing & trying something new.. I was practising turning right into side roads & at junctions. Oooh it's getting exciting! I'm loving it!
For all of you out there who are considering learning to drive but are scared. Get the right instructor for you & give it a go. I'm seriously not looking back at all.
During the lesson we actually came across a few cars, cyclists & pedestrians to deal with by making judgement of whether we could make it across the road in time, if they were going to be coming onto the road. I feel I've made a little achievement too, up until this lesson I hadn't stalled the car. Which is typical because I was only saying to my mum in the morning that I hadn't stalled yet. I clearly spoke too soon. But like my instructor said at least I've experienced it & now know how to correct it. It wouldn't be great stalling on your test & then not knowing how to control & correct it. I felt my lesson went super duper & I'm always on a high once I've finished. It's scary to think I could be driving around in my own little car at some point but it's also extremely exciting!
Are you learning to drive?
If so let me know in the comments below I'd love to hear from you.
Thanks for reading.
- Anna ♥