It's Time to Talk..Time to Change

Mental health is something I feel quite passionate about to be honest. Mental health is a tough thing to explain really because you can't see the illness as such. You could look fine on the outside, but be broken a little on the inside. Not enough people are educated on the subject, it should be taught about in schools, universities & workplaces to educate people incase they ever suffer & don't know where to turn to. Unless you are suffering from a mental illness then you probably don't have a clue what one is. If someone you know is suffering they might be too scared to open up to you about it. But the truth is mental illnesses can affect anyone, any age & any walk of life. You could be the richest person in the world or the happiest person in the world, you could have absolutely everything you want in life & still be struck by a mental illness. That's unfortunately the reality of it.
But nobody has to deal with it alone. Even if your family members or friends don't understand you can always become part of an online community. Such as the one I have recently become a part of Minds Like Ours. I have blogged about it various times & can't praise it enough. Click here to check out my first post about them.
If you don't really know much about mental health, then why not educate yourself today?
I recently blogged about the subject & the post includes some links to the charities involved with offering help & raising awareness.
 That post can be found by clicking here.
The whole idea of this post was to just share my new blogging badge that I downloaded from Time to Change, one of the charities mentioned in the mental health post. Myself & my blog are going to show off this badge with pride because like the badge says mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of & neither is talking about it. Will you be joining me in proudly displaying this badge on your blog, your twitter or your facebook? Head on over to the Time to Change website to download your own by clicking here
Thanks for reading.
- Anna ♥


  1. fantastic post anna! :) x

  2. Great post! I think this is such a good cause and I really hope it opens up peoples eyes to mental illnesses. I didn't know there was a badge, I'm going to download that myself right now!

    I wrote a post on my experiences here if you're interested in having a read?

    Jenn | PhotoJennic


    1. thank you :) yes, download it! can be found on the time to change website :) ooohhh...I certainly will do :) xxx
