30 Day Snap Challenge - Day 28

So my photo for today was actually going to be my outfit for tonight....
I was meant to be going to see Michael Buble live, but since tomorrow I have my very first driving lesson I thought it would be best to stay home, have an early night & relax. To most people they would be thinking what?! Why would you miss out on a concert?!
Well if you suffer from anxiety & panic attacks, you will know full well why.
But if you don't or haven't done then to be honest you probably won't understand...nevermind.
So my photo for today is....
I'm going to jump in the shower & then don't plan on moving very far after that.
I'm just going to relax, paint my nails & read my book.

Do you have any tips or advice on learning to drive?
Maybe how to calm nerves, whatever you feel like sharing.

Thanks for reading.
- Anna ♥


  1. I think I have that blue somewhere, looks great with a tan! Definitely post about your driving lesson soon! All the best!


    1. It's actually mint green so not sure why it looks blue but I thought that after I posted it :) I do also have the blue though...barry m addict :/ hehe.
      Thank you Rachael, will do!
