30 Day Snap Challenge - Day 30

The end has finally appeared, not only is this the end to the challenge..
It is also the end of June, WOW!
Does anyone else feel like this month has gone super fast?!
Aren't we like half way to Christmas?
Too early to mention it?
I have really enjoyed taking part in this challenge.
The main reason I started blogging was for something to focus on & to give me a purpose. This challenge has without a doubt been something to focus on. I haven't really posted anything much in-between but I shall get straight back to that soon.
My final photo is....
When we visited a garden centre the other day I saw this adorable note book & couldn't resist buying it. It has already come of some use. Since I have started driving lessons, I have decided I'm going to write down in this book what I have learnt in the lesson. So I always have it to fall back on as a reminder & helper.
Have you been taking part in the 30 day snap challenge?
Let me know in the comments below.
Thanks for reading
- Anna ♥


  1. It feels so weird that we're in July!! The year is going so quickly! I feel like I'm going to blink and miss it. I wish I'd done the 30 day snap now, looking at everyone's pictures. Oh well, maybe next time! xx


    1. it really does..where does the months go?!
      Yeah, there will always be next time :)

  2. Such a cute little notebook! I have hundreds of little notepads that I like to jot things down in. It's fun to find them again later and see what were thinking at the time =) xx

    Also, I've nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award, which I'd love for you to check out =) It was quite fun to do actually xx


    1. I LOVE notebooks! :D
      awww thank you very much! I will be sure to check it out :)
      Thank you :)
