Sit Down Sunday - 17th November 2013

can only mean one thing in my little blogging's time for Sit Down Sunday.
Okay, I had planned to do these posts on a Sunday morning but sometimes things just don't work out as planned & actually it has worked out better doing it now. So these posts can appear anytime during Sunday, woohoo! Gotta love a little bit of variety right?
Image found on weheartit
I'll explain my picture choice first, 1) I don't like blogging without a picture being involved. 2) I think it's a pretty positive quote & one that I feel I have been following a lot recently. Especially on Monday when I had my driving theory test which was around a 30 minute journey to the location, I used to be like 'no, I can't go' but now I've changed my attitude to a more positive one. So when you feel you can't do something don't forget to....get up, dress up, show up & never give up!
Let's get down to business shall we? & list everything that has been good over the past week since last Sunday..
- passing my theory test first time
- primark
- little mix's new album, salute
- my best mock driving test so far
- helpful & supportive friends
- fresh air
- getting cosy super early
- wooly hats
- christmas songs
What has been good about your week?
I'd love to know.
Thanks for reading.
- Anna ♥


  1. yey! always so positive, I will be more positive this week! x
