Something to focus on, a purpose & a meaning....

That is exactly why I created a blog. It gives me something to focus on, a purpose & a meaning.I didn't start blogging to get readers at all, I just blogged for something to focus on....something that could be mine. When I felt very little purpose in my life, my little blog was born. Never did I think people would be interested in what I had to say / waffle on about.
I used to just blog randomly whenever I felt the need really. Now I have a little routine I like to stick to because then I have a little bit of organisation in my life. My routine is to blog on a Monday (my driving lesson journey), Wednesday (hey, let's talk about....), Friday (whatever I feel the need to talk about) & Sunday (sit down Sunday). So currently my blog is very close to my heart, it is my focus. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks like this & if you don't blog then you might not understand.
I know overtime I will probably have less time to blog but I shall deal with that when the time comes. Right now I just have to go with the flow of things, take every day as it comes. You know what, life is unexpected & it can quite easily change. Did I expect to spend more time at home at the age of 21, no. But what would life be like without a battle to fight? So every now & then I will obviously share whatever is going on in my life, in my mind because....

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Do you blog?
What made you start blogging?
Does you use your blog to tell your story?

I really love writing my blog & reading others too.

Thanks for reading.
- Anna ♥

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