don't make an enemy, make a friend

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This post isn't about humans. Okay, so that was a simple & not a crazyyyy way to open a blog post. Don't you think?
I've now learnt to regard my anxiety as part of me, as my friend. They say the first step to recovery is acceptance. I've learnt to accept anxiety & class it as part of me. It is with me during the day, most days. So instead of pushing the little monkey away (yes, I've just referred to my anxiety as a little monkey, a polite way of putting what it really is) I've decided to welcome it with loving arms we could say.

I've been told a few times by various different people that I'm so positive. I haven't always been this positive, I just decided to switch my mind set. No, it wasn't easy but was it worth it? Yes, totally.

Yes, I've cried some nights just wanting it to pass. Just to no longer feel that way anymore. But where will fighting the feeling get me? Other than miserable, it won't actually get me anywhere. I've questioned why me? Why is this happening to me? I haven't always been like this.. No, I haven't but I can either accept what is happening now or cry about my past self & pray that one day I will return to my old self as if by magic.

If you are reading this thinking, what is the point? How can I be positive about this situation? The point is life will feel much more worth living & I feel everyone can be positive about any situation. You just have to be willing to change your mind set & give it your best shot.

Just like to add aswell that being positive & happy all the time obviously isn't possible or healthy. You know you might see people & be like oooh I want their life, they are always so cheery & upbeat. Yes, they might seem that way but we all fall down sometimes. We have down days & probably just choose not to broadcast it to everyone. We are all humans, nobody is perfect. But I've now learnt to accept my bad days because it is okay not to be okay sometimes you know :)

One good thing to come from my new friend, Anxiety is my strength. I know feel a lot stronger person than before. When life throws something at you it can either destroy you or make you stronger.

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I really like that quote, I've used it before on my blog but it is so true. Just look back over your life so far & look at what you've come through & how much stronger you are now.

Thanks for reading.
- Anna ♥


  1. You're right, Anna. I've found that since I accepted I suffer from anxiety and it's just part of who I am, nine time out of ten I'm more positive. We all have days where we are down and feel rubbish about ourselves and our situation but now I just try and focus on the positive. There's only one of me so I might as well embrace it.

    Debi x

    1. this is a fantastic way to think about it Debi! :) & always remember, only you can help you become a better, more positive person! :) xx

  2. you speak so much sense, you should be so proud! it does make you stronger, and you are able to deal with situations with this attitude so much easier for it. :-) your such a lovely person, and will do well for it. XXXXXXXXXXXX

    1. hmmm, if you say so Christina :P hehe! why thank you :) xxxxx
