Sit Down Sunday - 22nd December 2013

Well hello there my little blog readers.
I really hope you are all ready for Christmas & are in the festive spirit....


I'm not excited in the slightest, honest..
Oh, who am I kidding?
I can't wait!!!!

How sad to think that this time next week Christmas will be over..well Christmas Day will be anyway. Festive season carries on til the start of January right?

I'm not a big fan of reading blog posts without a pretty picture, it just breaks up all the words..pretty obvious statement there? Sorry about that... So I decided to choose this quote as it is a very obvious but very powerful point too. How many of you don't step out of your comfort zone? Admittedly I don't do it as often as I should I guess but that is better than not at all.

Image found on weheartit

So the good things about my week are....

- Christmas presents finally sorted
- receiving such lovely comments
- receiving lovely Christmas cards & parcels
- skype, love the creation
- feeling like I'm creating a lovely friendship with Christina (kimi and me)
- managing to have my dinner in a cafe (big deal for me)
- Sales

What has been good about your week?
Please, do share what has been good about your week.
I'd love to hear from you & about your achievements.

Thanks for reading.
- Anna ♥


  1. I think I have done my christmas shopping ;) that's one of good things happened around this week. I like your choice of quote in this post *saved it* haha, have a jolly wonderful christmas week (:

    1. love it :) what a great feeling knowing your shopping is complete, right? :)
      I love the quote! :)
      thank you, you too :) xx
