say what you wanna say & let the words fall out...

Yes, I did just quote Sara Bareilles...
I'm absolutely a teeny tiny bit in love with this song. The lyrics are very inspiring & now I've seen the official video I'm even more impressed & inspired!
After random ranting last night & then kind of regretting it today, I've done that before & hit delete...I regret deleting that post now. After chatting to a supportive friend of mine who has reassured me that I shouldn't delete it & she said she loves my honesty (how can I delete it when someone admires my honesty?!). I'd just be being fake if I only posted positive happy things all the times, things aren't always positive in life...I do always try my hardest to be positive but sometimes we have to let those negatives out too.
I think we all need to remember that behind every blog is a person, not a robot...a person, with feelings, emotions, mixed reactions, different personalities, different skills, different behaviours, everything is different. We are just humans behind a screen, using our blogs as our creative spaces & outlets.

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