small things that make a big difference to my mental health...

10th October 2015, officially world mental health day? In my opinion every day should be a day to raise awareness for mental health, we all have it. Some peoples are just a little different compared to others.

I'd seen the #smallthings on time to change and decided to jump on board, by sharing small things that make a big difference to my mental health, my life.

1. Skype, for the times when you can't spend time with people face to face, without a screen being between the two of you. Admittedly Skype is great but the one and only thing I have to slate about it is the connection. But once we've got over the connection issues it's great.

One person I'm forever Skyping or facetiming with is Jamie. Jamie has had such a huge impact on my life, she's honest, down to earth, bloody hilarious and genuine. Even though we don't know when we'll be seeing each other next, in real life that is...via screen it'll either be tonight or tomorrow at some point. But I love the fact that we both still make the effort to speak to each other.

Skype is the next best thing to being face to face in the same room together. Skype makes me feel like I can live my life which is miles away from Jamie but still allow Jamie to be a part of it. Even though I slated your connection skills Skype you are a life line for when I need to chat to my friends who aren't a quick car journey up the road.

2. Getting some fresh air, going for a walk. I've recently started working 3 full days at work and I make the effort to go for a walk on my dinner even if it is a quick 10/15 minute walk, those minutes outside in fresh air are priceless. When I'm not at work, or if I'm on a half day I'll go out for an hour long walk and take my camera with me to see what I can snap (another 20 photos of Pudding the dog? yeah pretty much, or the occasional tree/squirrel).

3.Talking and listening. I talk quite a lot, so it's no surprise that I don't keep my troubles to myself. If something is bothering me I will let someone know and that's good cos it isn't healthy keeping things bottled up. In the same breathe though yes talk to people but also listen. We all have troubles and problems. A quote I really like is 'a problem shared is a problem halved'. I couldn't agree more.

When I say talking makes a difference for me I'm sure it could make a difference for you too, it doesn't even have to be out loud. It could be via text, email, tweet, direct messages where ever...just communicate and don't suffer in silence.

Thanks to my new friend who I met on a social media course at the beginning of September, Greg. Thanks Greg for replying pretty quick on request to make me look cool and like I have friends for this photo for my post. :)

4. Reading a book. I'm not the fastest when it comes to reading books but it doesn't stop me from enjoying them. I love escaping my own thoughts and shutting them up with a good book. As far back as I can remember at night time I used to watch TV and couldn't sleep unless the TV was on but now I'm the opposite. Sometimes the TV being on when I'm in bed trying to get some sleep drives me potty. Now I like to read before bed, depending on how tired I am though I sometimes only manage a few wonder it takes me so long to read a book. I'd highly recommend the book I'm reading right now to you all. I've got two more of his books lined up to read next.

5. Watching something entertaining. I'm a sucker for watching a few TV programmes on MTV...ex on the beach, awkward, faking it, teen mom, are you the one? All of these don't involve having to concentrate too much, they are just purely entertaining. I've also recently discovered two new films that I really enjoy and are such easy watching. I did the whole rent the films online, like them so much, buy them on DVD. I highly recommend to you, 'man up' & 'two night stand'. If you haven't seen either of these then you my friend are missing out, watch them!

When I was younger I had a little obsession with watching toy story like every single night, I'd fall asleep within the first half an hour but that was beyond the point. I have a feeling these two films are going to be watched a lot in the upcoming weeks cos they are just so brilliant.

6. Accepting. I've learnt that accepting I have anxiety makes it so much easier to live with and manage. I've accepted the fact of it's always going to be a part of me and you know what, that's ok. It might resurface every now and then but that's ok too, I've got this. I can deal with it, one day at a time.

Those are my small things that make a big difference to my mental health, what small things make a difference to yours? Share them with me. :)


  1. Reading a book and watching TV really help me out too. Being around people is also a sure way to lighten my mood, because I feel like when I'm alone I have way too much time to think. Maybe next time I feel like that I'll go for a walk. I feel like being outdoors could really do wonders if I could be bothered to open that door.

    The Life of Little Me

    1. :) I'm glad the others help you too. Open that door, get some fresh air, take it all in :) the world is a wonderful place :) xxx
