My Driving Journey - Lesson 9 & 10

It really doesn't feel that long ago that I actually had my first driving lesson & here I am now, up to lesson number 10..can I get a woop woop? WOOP WOOP!
I love it when posts include a photo so I decided I would add a photo into these posts, yes it will be the same photo each time almost but least it will look pretty. So lets go..
The photo isn't actually the learning car, just my mum's but hey..
all cars look alike so it will do.
Wednesday 24th July
I seriously can't believe I'm actually managing to drive to & around the town that gives me my highest anxiety. In today's lesson instead of driving through the town centre we took the bypass around the town. This route involved more bigger roundabouts & at some points it had a dual carriage way & split lanes at the junctions to deal with too. I got to practice going up into 4th/5th gear & then reducing my speed & changing down gear in plenty of time. Travelling at 50mph & then going down to 30mph, feels like crawling & walking speed. Pretty slowwwwwww.
Friday 26th July
During today's lesson we didn't go to the next town (the one with my highest anxiety levels), we stuck to the one nearest to me. We have now moved on to manoeuvres (thank you spell check because I struggle to spell it). Today we just focused on turning in the road by using a 3 point turn. Apparently this is the most difficult manoeuvre. I managed to practice it three times before we had to head back. I only hit the kerb once & that was whilst reversing. So I think that is a bonus!
Do you suffer with your mental health & have managed to learn to drive?
Or are you currently learning to drive?
Feel free to leave me a comment.
Thanks for reading.
- Anna ♥


  1. I'm 24 now and still have never driven a car but it is my mission to do so in the next year. I feel really nervous about doing so though. Really shouldn't keep putting it off.
    Well done you on doing the three point turn successfully. I hear it is a tricky one to learn.

    Debi x

    1. Don't be worried about it Debi, obviously everyone is different. If I hadn't taken the leap to just go with it, I certainly would still be sat here thinking "Oh, I really wish I could drive" but I am so glad I did take the leap. I sometimes sit there in the lesson going I can't believe I'm actually doing poor instructor must think I'm crackers! haha..
      You can do it Debi, believe in yourself & just go for it! :)
